
Community Engagement: Insights from Our 5th June Workshop

On 5th June 2024, we hosted the first Pride of Place: Living workshop of the year, continuing our tradition of engaging the Leeds LGBTQ+ community in the development of an LGBTQ+ affirmative, multi-generational housing scheme. This session built on the foundations laid by previous workshops in 2022 and 2023, bringing fresh perspectives and deeper insights into creating a vibrant, inclusive living environment.

Engaging with the Community

The workshop provided a platform for attendees to share their thoughts on two main areas: the design and functionality of a potential site in Leeds, and the broader themes of creating a successful LGBTQ+ affirmative and multi-generational housing scheme. The feedback gathered will play a crucial role in shaping our project to ensure it meets the diverse needs of the community.

Site Architectural Drawings & Design Brief

Visitor & Disabled Parking: The discussions emphasized the importance of effective parking management, with a strong preference for sustainable solutions and adequate disabled parking.

Common House Functions: The common house is envisioned as a multi-functional space that caters to social, recreational, and work-related activities, reflecting the diverse needs of the community.

One-Bed Apartments: There is a demand for a mix of affordable one-bed flats and shared houses with flexible layouts to accommodate various living arrangements.

Guest / Emergency Accommodation: Attendees highlighted the need for guest and emergency accommodation, balancing the needs of residents and visitors.

Shared Outdoor & Deck Space: Outdoor spaces should be versatile, offering areas for privacy, social interaction, and various activities, with green features enhancing overall well-being.

Housing Mix: A diverse range of housing options is preferred, focusing on adaptability and efficient use of space to support multi-generational and mixed-tenure living.

Secure Bike Storage: Secure storage and charging facilities for bicycles and mobility aids are essential for promoting sustainable transportation.

Car Parking Spaces & Community Car Share: Reducing car parking in favor of shared resources and sustainable transport options was a key point of discussion.

Footpath Access & Main Entrance: Ensuring secure and accessible entry points while maintaining openness and community integration was considered important.

M4 Homes for Residents with Disabilities: Providing fully accessible homes for residents with disabilities and their carers is a priority.

Design Brief Requirements Feedback: High eco-standards and sustainable design practices are crucial, with communal spaces and green infrastructure being highly desirable.

LGBTQ+ Affirmative & Multi-Generational Themes

Visibility of LGBTQ+ Identities: Discussions explored whether LGBTQ+ identities should be visible or invisible and how these identities should be expressed within the community.

Affirmation through Space and Residents: There was a focus on whether LGBTQ+ identities are affirmed more through the types of spaces created or the diversity of residents.

Creating a Communal Feel: The design should promote accessibility, inclusivity, and flexibility to foster a communal atmosphere.

Prioritizing Multigenerational Living: Attendees discussed the priorities and potential challenges of creating a multigenerational housing scheme.

Potential Residents Group: A core group of interested residents will be involved in deciding key aspects of the scheme, receiving training on key issues, and participating in further learning opportunities.

Moving Forward

The workshop provided valuable insights into the community’s priorities for sustainable living, accessibility, and flexible communal spaces. These discussions will guide our efforts to create an inclusive and vibrant community that meets the diverse needs of future residents.

We are committed to continuing these conversations with independent facilitation to balance different views and needs. Our goal is to create a space that reflects progress in LGBTQ+ rights and supports multiple identities, needs, and desires.

Thank you to all who participated and shared their invaluable insights. Together, we are building a community that celebrates diversity and inclusivity. You can find our attendee report here.

Stay tuned for updates on our progress and future workshops. Let’s continue to shape Pride of Place Living into a true reflection of our community’s vision and values.

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